
Redefining a Brand Narrative

A fresh reboot.

For over 33 years, Vandis has been a leader in the field of infrastructure solutions and security. However, until recently, Vandis’ web presence did not reflect the level of service they provide, the mission-critical projects they work on, or the clients they serve. In order to position themselves as an industry leader, they needed a modern website that was dynamic, engaging and accurately reflected their business, services and clients.

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Implementing a new strategy.

custom branding

The Aktiv team knew that this project’s success would hinge on our ability to help condense Vandis’ complex content into a concise and easily understandable brand narrative; and then reinforce that brand narrative through custom visual assets.

Our strategy was centered around an engaging and dynamic responsive redesign, an easily-navigated web experience, content optimization, custom iconography, and a logo refresh. We also implemented filtering functionality for case studies and Vandis partners that would allow visitors to quickly locate information on projects similar to their own.

Aktiv helped to shape the content into a layered structure that allowed users to dive deeper into content that was relevant to their needs and reduced content that overwhelmed the user experience. This can be seen through the website in the form of hover-states, filters, modal windows and other modern web techniques. We also created and implemented custom iconography and imagery that helps communicate key service and expertise themes, which users can then activate for more information on that subject.

It was also important that the redesign include a number of quality of life updates for the Vandis marketing team, which we provided through a robust content management system, an automated event registration process, marketing automation and an easily-managed insights blog page.

custom illustrations
custom icons
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A workhorse and industry leading website.

The new vandis website is responsive, dynamic and engaging; and has been praised by both visitors and Vandis stakeholders alike. Vandis has noted that is has had positive impacts on both their analytics metrics and web-based lead generation. The quality of life functionality has made the Vandis team almost entirely self-sufficient in the management of their web presence, which was a key requirement of the Vandis team from the start. The new website has resulted in reduced steps for editing content, recording new web leads and in managing event registrations, freeing up valuable time in the marketing team.

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